The Return of the Ghostly Sunglasses
The Curtis Reissued in New Colors
I recently made a confession that Curtis sunglasses (also known as Ghostly Sunglasses) were my favorite sunglasses. So I was pretty happy when I found out about the return of the Ghostly Sunglasses.
That’s right — the Curtis is being reissued in three new, cool colors.

After I posted the story about my favorite sunglasses, I got this tweet from Warby Parker:
@fordsbasement We’re so excited to re-release Curtis in collaboration with @ghostly! We’d love to see you in a pair, Tom.
— Warby Parker (@WarbyParker) November 28, 2014
What? A re-release?
The first iteration of Curtis, a collaboration between disruptive eyeglass provider Warby Parker and independent record label Ghostly International, launched in a limited edition that sold out in just a few days. So I was pretty excited to learn that The Curtis will be reissued in three new colors: Aubergine Fade, Bourbon Tortoise, and Moss.

They’re also reissuing the classic Revolver Black (but with a new lens color), available only in Warby Parker retail stores.

I am a little bummed the Ghostly Grey Matte didn’t get included part of the reissue set, but you can’t have everything. (Maybe next time …)
Curtis was reissued on November 28th, in time for Ghostly International’s 15th anniversary. Learn more, and download some cool, exclusive wallpapers from five Ghostly artists, at the Warby Parker Ghostly sunglasses page.