A Weekend in Julian, California in 30 Seconds
A Short Video Adventure in Julian, California
In July of last year, I spend an extended weekend in Julian, California with eleven other adults and eleven children. We played a lot of ping pong, some impromptu croquet, and a few rousing rounds of Celebrity. We also ate plenty of good food (including the world famous Julian apple pies and cinnamon rolls) and, in general, relaxed.

During the trip I took a number or short video clips on my Canon SX210 IS, with the idea to edit them together in a short moving recap of the weekend. Here’s what I came up with. Be gentle, I’m no video editor. Obviously.
I got the idea from Kevin Kelly and the One-Minute Vacation video he released last year. He in turn got it from Cesar Kuriama‘s 1 Second Everyday – Age 30.
Recently (via Laughing Squid), I read about photographer James Bernal’s movie, 2012 in 366 Seconds, featuring one second of video per day for 2012. It’s fantastic, and although it’s regrettably too late for me to take this on in 2013, it might be a good project to tackle in 2014.