Cool Tools Podcast

An Appearance on the Cool Tools Podcast

Talking About Cool Tools

I recently made an appearance on the Cool Tools podcast hosted by Kevin Kelly (the founder of Wired) and Mark Frauenfelder (founder of Boing Boing, Make: Magazine, and many other things). I’ve been a fan of both gents for years, so it was a real honor to be invited.

Cool Tools Podcast No. 128

The concept of the Cool Tools podcast, an offshoot of Kelly’s Cool Tools website, is that the guest presents four tools that are useful to them in some way.

Four Cool Tools

I had a challenging time picking four cool tools, mainly because a fair amount of the gear I use regularly has been the were inspired over they years by the Cool Tools podcast. But after some serious consideration, I managed to find four unique—and hopefully cool—tools to discuss:

Four Ites from Cool Tools 128

Being on the podcast was great fun. Head over to Cool Tools to give it a listen and learn more about the tools I presented.

And if you’re curious about other tools that I use and/or appreciate, check out the Gear Up category on this blog.

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